Sunday, May 15, 2016


If you are using computer then it’s important for you to keep some bootable drive such as cd, dvd or flash drive. In bootable drive you can keep windows which should be useful if you need to reinstall OS on your PC. You can also keep some Linux OS when your windows or other OS crashed it should be helpful for you to backup your important data before reinstall OS. To make a bootable drive first you need these things.
  1. An empty pen drive, CD or DVD depends on your software size you want make bootable and you have available.
  2. One working computer with windows.
  3. ISO file of the software you want install
If you have already managed all these things than proceed towards our main make bootable device follow these steps.
  • First download the software which will help you to make bootable drive. For me I use Rufus. To download it go to this link (
  • Then you install this app on your working pc.
  • Then choose your device if you have plugged in more device at top.
  • The app will auto select few steps until “new volume label” you no need to change.
  • At new volume label you can choose your drive name to show after done.
  • At format options you can either choose “ check for bad blocks” or can skip because it will take long time depends on your drive size and how many pass you choose.
  • Please select quick format.
  • Then at end of “create a bootable disk using” you can see a disk icon click on it and choose your ISO file.
  • Then click on start at bottom.
  • And wait until it’s be ready.
Once it ready now you can boot or reformat your pc using your drive.\
To download Rufus you can click on above picture also.

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